Zero One Sushi is a small sushi shop; it literally is very small but it is conveniently kitty corner to The Network Hub. For the long working days when I simply do not have the energy to venture very far to find food, Zero One Sushi’s social media savvies help lazy hungry entrepreneurs like me by having everything online. Zero One Sushi (@sushizeroone) tweet their daily specials and also has a very handy online ordering system.
When I am feeling REALLY lazy and don’t feel like picking up my food, Zero One Sushi is there to deliver! I can find out through twitter when their last call for delivery is. Asides from daily specials, Zero One Sushi also takes advantage of their twitter account to do promotion – such as their “Beat HST !! We pay this additional 7% for 1 month in July 2010 !! Here are the rules: 1. follow us on twitter.” From their online presence and the sophistication of their use of technology, I thought it was a huge restaurant operation but it wasn’t.
Zero One Sushi - Twitter Account
Zero One Sushi - Specials + Promotion
Today I came in to get my usual smoked salmon salad and mini kimchi udon. Their foods are always tasty and guess what, no HST on my bill, but only for this month!
Zero One Sushi - Interior
Zero One Sushi - Vancouver
Zero One Sushi - Kimchi Udon
Zero One Sushi - Smoked Salmon Salad
I hope Zero One Sushi inspires your company to embrace social media to grow your business.